Haiii.... O my goodness!!!! I am soooooo sooooo sooooo excited right now because it is a HAUL post! Yaaayyy!!!
Speaking of which, literally this is not really a February 2016 haul. It's more of the year end purchases that I made during 2015 Black Friday sale and before 2015 Christmas. And coincidentally, all the products came by this month altogether... It's a WOW!!!
Let me confess that this month's beauty haul is the huge one after the one I made on August 2014. I did this because some of the products that I had are outdated but still in very good condition and I put it out on the preloved items sale. Luckily, they were almost sold out and there I was to make some update to my stash. Oh ya, and another reason why I seemed to becoming a "haul queen" this time was just because I intended to strictly follow my new 2016 resolution by not buying much cosmetic, I limit myself to only spend Rp100,000/month to buy make up. Well, just so you know, I made it and 98% the purchase I made here is from my 2015 budget. I'm on that accounting mode right now! Ahahahaha..
Earlier, I posted this picture to my IG account to nag you, you and you! LOL.. And yes, some of my friends then gasped at me by text and told me like I wanted to open my own shop. Hahaha, what a thoughtful ladies outta there.. I just love seeing my self surrounded by new stuffs. I mean, who doesn't?? The picture below is the most ultimate delivery came to my house. Aside from this picture, I bought the stuff one by one prior to the delivery (and some after the delivery).
[caption id="attachment_4052" align="aligncenter" width="600"]
Ok lets get started!!! I divided the things from its classification so here they are...
BUT, FIRST.... CAUTION: This content contains GRAPHIC IMAGES that will cause MUPENG AKUT to result of stalking reviews, then searching online shop, and at the end of it: will make you broke, somehow. LOL... LOL... LOL... So please continue with your on risk because I am afraid that there will be too many poisons than you can handle... LOL.
And one again, gw emang nulis harga sih, tapiiii BUKAN BERARTI GW JUALAN ya... So please jangan tiba-tiba gitu ada yang komen/email minta order. Wakakakakakak....
[caption id="attachment_4041" align="aligncenter" width="900"]
Left to Right
1. Real Techniques Sculpt Brush (ULTA BOGO, Jan 2016) Rp.111,000
2. Unbranded Blush Brush Rp.70,000
3. Unbranded Eyebrow Brush Rp.45,000
4. ELF Essential Eyeshadow Brush (ELF 50, Nov 2015) Rp.24,000
5. ELF Essential Eyeshadow Brush (ELF 50, Nov 2015) Rp.24,000
6. ELF Studio Angled Contoured Brush (WG 25, Nov 2015) Rp.53,000
7. ELF Studio Flawless Concealer Brush (WG 25, Nov 2015) Rp.53,000
8. Real Techniques Setting Brush (Target 25, Dec 2015) Rp.94,000
9. ELF Stipple Brush Travel Set (ELF 50, Nov 2015) Rp.189,000
[caption id="attachment_4042" align="aligncenter" width="900"]
1. DAISO Dual Purpose Sponge Rp.25,000
2. Rainforest Argan Oil 10ml Rp.75,000
3. Rainforest Extra Virgin Kemiri Oil 100ml Rp.75,000
4. Biokos 20s Pure Balance Hydro Gel Moisturizer Rp.45,000
5. INEZ 900 Facial Scrub Rp.44,000
[caption id="attachment_4043" align="aligncenter" width="900"]
1. Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer, Brightener (WG 25, Dec 2015) Rp.99,000
2. Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer, Brightener (WG 25, Dec 2015) Rp.99,000
3. Coverderm Compact Powder, Oily-Acneic Skin - No.4 (BILNA 60% off, end of Dec 2015) Rp195,000
4. NIVEA MEN Sensitive Post Shave Balm (WG 25, Nov 2015) Rp.132,000
5. SKIN AQUA BB Cream Perfect Matte Rp.50,000
6. ELF Lip Exfoliator (WG 25, Nov 2015) Rp.56,000
7. La Tulipe Eyeshadow Base Rp.40,000
[caption id="attachment_4040" align="aligncenter" width="900"]
1. Maybelline Lasting Drama Gel Liner Rp.120,000
2. ELF Make Up Mist and Set (WG 25, Nov 2015) Rp.80,000
3. NYC Bronzing Face Powder - Sunny Rp.70,000
4. LA Girl Velvet Contour-Blush-Hilite Sticks @Rp.60,000
Okay, many of you know me that I'm all about lipsticks and the so and the so and the so. This ultimate haul comes to (drumrolls) LIPSTICKS!! As per usual, actually... Hahahahahaha....
[caption id="attachment_4044" align="aligncenter" width="600"]
1. ColourPop Lippie Stix in Topanga, Lumiere, Contempo, and Brink @Rp95,000
2. DOSE of Colors in Coral Crush Rp.300,000
3. Lime Crime Velvetines in Pink Velvet (20% off) Rp.270,000
4. ColourPop Ultra Matte Lips (lepasan dari Kitty Mini Set) in Be Merry Rp.90,000
5. Utama Spice Cocoa Lip Balm Rp.20,000
6. Wet N Wild Mega Last Lipstick in Vamp It Up, Cherry Bomb, Ravin Raisin (WNW Sale, Oct 2015) @Rp.30,000
7. LT Pro Long Lasting Matte Lip Cream NO.4 (Toko Mahmud 20% off, Feb 2015. Thanks Hani Nur!) Rp.78,400
8. ColourPop Ultra Matte Lips in Clueless, Avenue, Scrooge, Sting Raye, Mars, Bumble, Tulle @Rp.110,000
9. NYX JEP in Milk (ULTA BOGO, Jan 2016) Rp.71,000
~ (^_^) ~
And it's a wrap!!!! Let me talk in Bahasa now. Dann,, yap, mostly memang gw beli secara PO lewat online shop dan itu belanjanya keroyokan tau ga? (cari temen) Jadi sebenernya sih yang belanja banyak bukan gw doank... Hahahaha. Dan thanks to Nindy yang uda mau jadi tempat penampungan order terus sampe repot-repot bikinin excel segala supaya bisa nge-track orderan. Can't thank you enough.. And also with your POISONS yaaahh!! Deadly woman! Hahahahaha... Ada yang mau gw review ga? Ada ga? Ada ga?????????? Rikues aja ya... Tapi beneran donk rikues di komentar.. Nanti yang terbanyak gw beneran bikin reviewnya.... Soale, sebenernya gw sayang banget buat buka dan pakai (hoarder detected!) LOL... OK, cukup sekian dan see you on my next post!!!
emang efek samping baca haul adalah MUPEEEENGGG!!! hahaha
BalasHapusmau review color pop nya dong fi, yg jenis apapun deh stick atau yg matte, mau review color pop :D
Wow kuasnya banyak :D
BalasHapusGpp kali mbak ditulis harganya, jd kalau yg jarang beli kosmetik kyk saya ini jd tau harga2nya, so kalau mau beli tau brp duit yg perlu dikekep :))
Hahaha, iya mbak. Soale uda beberapa kali kejadian tiba2 ada email masuk minta order. :) Thx sudah mampir ya...
BalasHapusOK OK neng!! Siap kalau gitu!! Check it out soon yaa... :*
BalasHapuswg (walgreens) ya? btw PO dimana bisa drugstore. mau dong infonya. thanks
BalasHapusIya, WG = Walgreens. Kalau PO drugstore coba ke IG account HouseOfMakeup, dia bisa PO USA dr web apa aja setahu saya.