August 2014 Beauty Haul - Finally this time has arrived! Now I will show you all my August haul... YEAY! This kind of post is my all-time favorite. So, without further a do, lets get started!
Bali Alus Natural Essence Face Spray - Kali ini aku akan membahas tentang merk lokal dari Bali Alus, yang berpusat di Bali. Sejujurnya, aku tuh ga begitu tahu tentang merek ini. Yang paling aku tahu adalah merek ini berasal dari Bali. Dan sewaktu aku membeli ini juga sebenarnya cuma asal ambil aja sih tanpa melihat ini tuh sebenernya buat apaan.. Hehehe.. *kebiasaan*.
Biokos Vital Nutrition 30s - Back in my blog, now I'm going to review one my current skin care product from Biokos. Just let me doing some short story tell first, OK?
Make Over Creamy Lust Lipstick - Hello belles... How’s your day? I hope you’re all fine, safe and sound! By today’s post, I’ll give you my review about Make Over lipstick. To be exact: Make Over Creamy Lust Lipstick in RAISIN PLUM. Actually, this lipstick is given from Make Over’s Le Secret Fantaisie launching event some months ago to my friends Yanti and she got it double then she gave me one of them (well actually, I was asking for it, hahaha). Thanks Yanti..