Brazil Flag Inspired Make Up - Here's my another tries on how I made a cut crease eye of the day. Well, the theme that I bring here is inspired by the Brazilian flag colors as where FIFA World Cup 2014 took place.
White and Ash Cut Crease Make Up - I don't think the result of my effort is a real good one this time. You know it would be not so nice when your blood keep rushing to the state of pushing you to do something in the middle of the night but your eyes had no other power! Hell!
Fake Alert Maybelline Magnum - Beberapa waktu lalu, seorang teman memberikanku sebotol maskara dari Maybelline. Kebetulan aku suka banget sama maskaranya Maybelline karena selain terjangkau, mudah didapatkan, juga tahan air serta banyak varian. Nah, kebetulan, ketika ini maskara sudah aku terima, aku langsung masukin deh tu ke make up pouch untuk produk khusus cadangan. Jadi kalau-kalau maskara aku habis, aku bisa langsung ambil tanpa harus ribet beli dulu.
August 2014 Beauty Haul - Finally this time has arrived! Now I will show you all my August haul... YEAY! This kind of post is my all-time favorite. So, without further a do, lets get started!