Rimmel London Show Off Lip Lacquer Shade Luna [REVIEW]

Rimmel London Show Off Lip Lacquer Shade LunaSekarang kayaknya lagi jaman banget lip lacquer ya? Itu lipstik yang bentuknya cair gitu, lho! Hehehe. Nah aku ini termasuk yang kena racun lip lacquer, apalagi emang kite pan banci lipenstip.. Hahaha. Alhasil aku jadi beli lip lacquer merk Rimmel London ini di online shop kesayangan aku: Makeupuccino. Untung aja sih, ini lipstiknya lagi pas ready stock, jadi aku ga harus nunggu lama.

Luxola Online Shopping in September [HAUL]

Luxola Online Shopping in September - September Haul? I hope this post isn't kindda a late bloomer. LOL. OK, I've been knowing Luxola for a while until I gather my self to decide getting my chance to online buying from here at the end of September. Well, I have the reason for that. Tehee~~

Masami Shouko 08 HD Flat Top Brush [REVIEW]

Masami Shouko 08 HD Flat Top Brush - Searching alternatives (cheaper alternative product for exactly) is always be my option to cheat on my bank account. Sigma F80 Flat Top Brush is always on my top list in my Brush To-Buy list. BUT, the fact that this brand doesn’t lay their hands on Indonesia’s market yet, I feel too intimidated by the process that I need to buy through credit card, wait the shipping for almost a month or more, and also the fact that the shipping cost is sometimes MORE THAN the product’s price. Not to mention the chance of good lost in shipping. Me was like: BLAH! SKIP!