Pada tanggal 20 Februari 2016 lalu, aku diundang oleh Sariayu untuk menghadiri acara dari product launching Tren Warna 2016: Inspirasi Krakatau. Selain dihadiri oleh para rekan bloggers, acara ini juga dihadiri oleh beberapa awak media dan juga para make up artist terkemuka.
INEZ Intense Color Moisturizing Lipstick – Berkutat dengan merek kecantikan lokal, sepertinya Inez harus dipertimbangkan. Inez adalah salah satu merek kecantikan yang memberikan beragam pilihan kosmetik dari eyeshadow, foundation, pensil alis, lipstik, dan bahkan rangkaian produk perawatan kulitnya pun cukup lengkap.
beauty haul .
drugstore haul drugstore brand .
Face Make Up .
make up .
Make Up Addict .
makeup .
skin care .
28 Feb 16
Early 2016 (HUGE) Drugstore/Local Beauty Haul!
Haiii.... O my goodness!!!! I am soooooo sooooo sooooo excited right now because it is a HAUL post! Yaaayyy!!!
Speaking of which, literally this is not really a February 2016 haul. It's more of the year end purchases that I made during 2015 Black Friday sale and before 2015 Christmas. And coincidentally, all the products came by this month altogether... It's a WOW!!!
Alfia Widati .
Bisnis .
bisnis gampang .
bisnis murah .
bisnis online .
bisnis rumah .
Business .
Carrier .
fashion .
Modal Kecil .
online .
oriflame .
pressed powder .
Pure Color .
Success .
trend .
25 Feb 16
[REVIEW] Oriflame's Pure Color Pressed Powder - Light
Hello Girls... Back again here...
Now I want to share about my just-bought product from Oriflame brand. This product is called as Oriflame Pure Color Pressed Powder in shade Light (code: 23208). In this post, I'll review and swatch the product on my inner hand and not on my face. So please keep reading!